100 Lighting Bolt Photoshop Brushes

by Resource Boy
Photoshop brushes lightning, storm, discharge

Items in set: 100

License: Free for commercial use

Number of Downloads: 26647


Lightning bolts are a popular and dramatic design element in many types of digital art. Whether you're creating a fantasy landscape, a sci-fi scene, or a graphic for a weather app, a well-placed lightning bolt can add excitement and impact to your composition. Fortunately, there are many high-quality lightning bolt Photoshop brushes available for free online. These brushes are designed to be easy to use, with a range of styles and sizes to choose from. With just a few clicks, you can add lightning bolts of different shapes and intensities to your designs, making them stand out from the crowd. Whether you're a professional designer or just starting out, these free lightning bolt brushes are a valuable resource for your digital art toolkit.

Download (63.8 MB)


Premium images:

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